Tuesday 7 March 2017

Iran a opportunity or threat for United states?

The new Trump administration took over the Whitehouse in the month of mid January, president Trump seems to been hard on Iran as he said during the campaign trails. Iran has been put back on the visa ban list for the second time during trump administration and removing the Iraq from the first list.
The question is whether president Trump is challenging the status quo of Obama's Iran nuclear deal as great serious security challenge to USA. or is it just to make the Arab's allies happy?
Its a fact that each nation has its own foreign policy based on its interest. But US seems to be considering Iran as a threat based on its Arab allies interest. The Obama administration was keen on making friends rather than making enemies, specially with reference to Cuba & Iran.
Hence the Iran's nuclear deal was an balancing act of Obama  administration to satisfy the Arab allies and its own dependence on Iran for afghan's stability.                                       
Its the fact that enmity between Iran and the Arab world  is based on Shia and Sunni Muslim status quo and the US has no role to play in this. This was well recognized  by Obama administration which lead to a balancing act of nuclear deal with Iran.
Iran has been a democratic nation from long history at the same time facing huge threats from ISIS from the western border and radical terrorist group from Pakistan and afghan Taliban groups in the east.
(Image courtesy :Google)
Though US has its military bases and quite good foreign relationship with Iran bordering nations it has been unsuccessful in bringing peace to the region whether its Iraq or Afghanistan, while Iran from long history has been successful in protecting their state from this terror groups.
Its seems that removing Iraq from the sanctions list and holding Iran back in sanctions list is a political move by trump admiration underestimating the big role Iran could play for stabilizing the region along with US.
For instance; Pakistan has been the barrier in bringing economic development in Afghanistan, as afghans don't have sea route access for transportation. and Pakistan's  known long time support to Taliban groups which is destabilizing Afghanistan. Its here Iran which could play a major role for bringing economic prosperity in Afghanistan.
Its a hippocratic stand by US that Pakistan, India & Israel now currently North Korea holding nuclear and ballistic weapons without being nuclear suppliers group members (expect India which has concession from NSG for peaceful use of nuclear energy) are not in the visa ban list and removing Iraq which has been base for ISIS terror group.

The only way US and other members of the world can bring peace in the Middle-east and Central & South Asian  region would be by aligning with Iran which is in the middle of this tension, holding strong security and a stable democratic government.  

-Francis lazar